If only, I should have, I never have, I should not have done that --- the famous regret lines. Nobody ever created a manual on how to live life and nobody ever constructed a guideline on how not to make the wrong decision or even choose the right and wise choice. Truly, life is amazing with its ironies. There is no way, even the great scientists and their superior minds, to bring back the past and modify it according to their own intentions. Cliche as it is, we cannot bring the past back anymore.
Life leaves didactic tales and all we can do is learn from the lessons it has taught us. Regrets and mistakes are embodied in growing. They will always be part of our lives. Pulling and taking everything back to its right place is like building castles in the air, it will never come true. Whichever decision you make, there will always be a probability that it will consummate to either a pro or con effect. All we can do is be wise and weigh decisions according to their benefits.
"Beneficence is a duty. He who frequently practices it, and sees his benevolent intentions realized, at length comes really to love him to whom he has done good. When, therefore, it is said, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself," it is not meant, thou shalt love him first and do him good in consequence of that love, but thou shalt do good, to thy neighbor; and this thy beneficence will engender in thee that love to mankind which is the fulness and consummation of the inclination to do, good." Immanuel Kant
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