Love Is A Disease

Cancer, once diagnosed early, the prognosis and chance of survival is high. Cure will be given to remedy the symptoms and the root of the disease can be identified before it can even spread to other body systems. However, if symptoms were felt long before but were neglected, prognosis could be low and the diagnosis would probably be in terminal and you will be left with numbered days. Cancer, in relationships, come and go.

Relationships acquire cancer all the time. It just depends on the willingness of both parties to settle and cure the love disease immediately in order to salvage the relationship. The health of a relationship does not rely on band-aid solutions. You have to figure out what is causing the turmoil in your relationship. Figure out why the  love-hate-then-love-again-but-more-hate cycle is going on and you will eventually better your relationship.

Countless fights, lack of time, nonacceptance are just some which produce an ennui and disability in a relationship. Always remember that the element of understanding is always a complete boon to make it last and there are a lot of things to be considered before stepping up the notch. Good thing if you over-think of the consequences of leaving single-blessedness and weighing the pros and cons. But woe you if you are just in for some fun and sexy time that you were just in a sugar rush, then it's more of going nowhere!

One of the basic foundations of relationship is acceptance. We all have differences and one of the problems that couples usually neglect in a relationship is the lack of respect to each other's diversity. Nobody is ever a copy of another. We all are unique beings and everyone has their own sets of preferences and minions as well as dislikes and pet peeves. Engaging in a relationship is not an easy breezy choice to make unless you are ready. One of the basic preps before stepping up to another level with someone is to learn how to accept your soon-to-be partner. If you miss this vital point, then be ready for a figurative cardiac arrest.

Another thing to delve further focus into is time management in a relationship. A relationship will boost its health to maximum if you will spend some time with each other. Plus, spending time with your partner is an evidence that you are convicting the love you have for him or her. Lack of time will result to evil things such as mistrust and misunderstandings. Therefore, don't be too one-sided with your time. You still have other people in your lives. Use time wisely to spend it with the people who care for you and who love you. This is one thing that will definitely enrich not only your relationship with your intimate partner but also to your loved ones.

Lastly, a lot of arguing is like fat deposits narrowing your arteries. It will eventually produce an unbearable heart pain that will cause you to struggle and writhe in pain. With heart diseases, limiting fat and salty intake and modifying your diet are ways to prevent further damage but with your figurative love disease, so to not feel any pain, you must limit arguing. One should lend an ear while the other vents out. It is always a two-way process and trust me, this technique never fails to make a relationship succeed.

Bottom-line, dig into in-depth assessment of what makes your relationship go topsy turvy. Find that destructive force that shakes the foundation of your relationship and channel it into a positive one. It is also good to seek help fromyour love doctors such as your family and friends. They will always give good advice on ways to effectively save the boat that is sinking. But above all, acceptance and understanding always conquer!


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