Malicious Aversion

Whenever you try to talk to me and stare right into my eyes, I just feel that you are piercing though my head like my skull is going to shatter and it sends a quivering horror down my spine.

Whenever you try to cover me with your, what can I say, fervent love? It's not love I can say, it's compulsive preoccupation.

Whenever you try to reach me with your, what you thought utterly, endless words and stories, I can say they are all nitwitted and pointless.

Whenever you try to catch my attention, forgive me, but you are just some figment of someone's imagination, not mine, unless you are a big part of my world, then so I can consider.

Whenever you stand beside me, I feel like I'm close to a bedlamite whose insanity is enough to tore my clothes off and slit my chest.

Whenever I see your face, I feel like that moment is going to haunt me till I run to hell. Just seeing your face feels like every dream is going to be a nightmare where you are going to rip me out of my framework.

Just so you know, I'm not very pleased to meet you, I just realized that and I can't even imagine why I kept you in my life. For all the reasons, I can't find one now.

You are like a monster under my bed waiting for me to get up so you could have the chance to abduct me to your maniac world! You are one hell of a creep and how I just wish, how I really wish that you just stay away from me.


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