Like A Thin Smoke

You were just a shadow, dark and undistinguished in the vast, unfathomable limbo of unknown characters. But light has shed on you and you emerged shining, Apollo-like, bathing in knowledge, forethought, and wit concealing your errors and darkness. But you are flawed and defective, not even close to godlike. But still, I was awestruck and amazed, crashed with your remarkable and exceptional quip that I can mirror myself as Athena in you.

Knowledge is a crown in your head that blinds and enslaves me. Your clever perspective mutes me and your strong power of intelligence encases me into the oblivion from reality. I drown in your faculty of sewing fictions incessantly, losing me in the depths of your cunning craft. Albeit, I rejected any chance and possibilities despite your wonders and capabilities. I accepted my loss and I knew, I have fallen to defeat.

My consciousness drew the boundaries that strayed me away from anything possible and capable. We are our own mysteries that can never be solved. Losing is our own salvation. So, it is farewell before it even began.


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